jueves, 27 de enero de 2011

First Day of conflict resolution

This is my first post on the course of the conflict resolution P2PU.
I have to say I love the idea of this course and I am very hopeful about it.

The first task is to comment on the video of William Ury in his TED talk: "The Walk from 'No' to 'Yes. "

In the video William talks about the vital work of the "third side" in the mediation of conflicts, and I think this is a great idea, since a third side -as long as it objectively-, provides a new perspective. It's like a confessor, to which the other parties talk about their views, and therefore this third party can find common ground.

The fact that both parties look to the balcony indicates who they look into a different reality from a higher point of view. I love this metaphor, since it is similar to that of "forest obscures the trees." If you just look at it from your shoes, will be very difficult to understand the other point of view.

As for the differences between face-to-face and shoulder-shoulder, "I think that has a physical connotation through non-verbal language, nonverbal expressions that play a key role in relationships and communication, also has a metaphorical symbol, The shoulder always has connotations of support (mourn, support, friendship, so on). It also emphasizes that this action must be in parallel, not in front or behind the other.

One of the ways that I personally use to manage conflict is emotional intelligence, requires an education to understand the emotions that you are going at that time, about what is happening with the other person. I believe that a personal and emotional knowledge is essential to get to first understand the situation. Then to focus on the empathy to put yourself in the shoes of others and see their point of view.

The Abrahamic walk works, like many things, thanks to the people, not government agencies. There is an absence of bureaucracy and politics and simply a better awareness on the settlement of the conflict. Also meets the above step, we should to put into the shoes of others and see the life from their point of view, deleting malformed senses and borders.

Here is the video: